Prostate Cancer

The Presence of Cancerous Cells in the Prostate

Beer contains a compound that may fight cancer

Beer-drinking men may be decreasing their possibilities of evolving prostate cancerous infection with every pint, checks by researchers have revealed.

TESTS have disclosed that men who drink beer may decrease their possibilities of evolving prostate cancerous infection, state scientists.

Experiments have shown that xanthohumol, a compund drawn from from the jumps in beer, blocks a chemical answer that can lead to the development of cancer.

The infection is generally treated with pharmaceuticals that proceed in a alike way.

Study foremost Dr Clarissa Gerhausa, from the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, said: "We wish that one day we can illustrate that xanthohumol stops prostate cancerous infection development, first in animal forms and then in humans, but we are just at the beginning."

Xanthohumol is a mighty antioxidant, renowned to have anti-cancer properties. It is furthermore discovered in fruits and spices.

It was before proposed that the aggregate could decrease the possibilities of females getting breast cancer.

Reduced Risk of Prostate Cancer with Coffee

Drinking coffee may help men decrease their risk for evolving prostate cancerous infection, state investigators who offered facts and numbers at the American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference.

The cross-sectional association between coffee utilisation and grades of circulating hormones in body-fluid trials assembled from a subset of men in the study community was furthermore examined. For the study, investigators documented intake of normal and decaffeinated coffee of almost 500 000 men every 4 years, from 1986-2006 and recognised 4975 men who evolved prostate cancerous infection over that period.

“Few investigations have looked prospectively at this association, and no one have examined coffee and exact prostate cancerous infection outcomes,” said Dr Wilson. “We expressly examined distinct kinds of prostate cancerous infection, for example sophisticated vs localized cancerous infection or high-grade vs low-grade cancers.” The enquiry disclosed that men who drank the most coffee had a 60% smaller risk of evolving hard-hitting prostate cancerous infection than men who did not consume coffee.

Surprisingly, the authors disclosed that caffeine was not the key component premier to the association and clarified that the investigators were hesitant as to which constituents of coffee were most influential, as coffee comprises numerous biologically hardworking mixtures for example antioxidants and minerals.

“Very couple of way of life components have been consistently affiliated with prostate cancerous infection risk, particularly with risk of hard-hitting infection, so it would be very stimulating if this association is verified in other studies,” said Dr Wilson. “Our outcomes do propose there is no cause to halt consuming coffee out of any anxiety about prostate cancer.”

The Link Between Age and Prostate Cancer

The older you are, the larger the risk for getting prostate cancer. The amazingly pointed boost in incidence with age is a hallmark of the disease. Sixty per hundred of all freshly identified situations and nearly 80 per hundred of all killings happen in men 70 years of age and older.

From 1998 to 2002, the median age at diagnosis was 68 years. The percentages of persons identified with prostate cancerous infection founded on age were as follows:

* 0.0 per hundred were identified under age 20
* 0.0 per hundred between 20 and 34
* 0.5 per hundred between 35 and 44
* 8.3 per hundred between 45 and 54
* 26.9 per hundred between 55 and 64
* 37.0 per hundred between 65 and 74
* 22.6 per hundred between 75 and 84
* 4.7 per hundred 85+ years of age.

Prostate Cancer Statistics

Consider the following statistics associated to prostate cancer:
* African-American men are more than two times as expected to have prostate cancerous infection than Caucasian men, and almost a two-fold higher death rate than Caucasian men.
* Prostate cancerous infection is the most widespread cancerous infection amidst men, omitting skin cancer.

* American Cancer Society (ACS) approximates for 2008 encompass 186,320 new situations of prostate cancerous infection in the US.
* All men are at risk for prostate cancer. The risk rises with age, and family annals furthermore rises the risk.
* Year 2008 approximates encompass 28,660 killings happening from prostate cancerous infection in the US solely, making it the second premier origin of cancerous infection death in men.

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How Is Prostate Cancer Diagnosed?

If certain symptoms or the outcomes of early detection checks the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) body-fluid check and/or digital rectal written check (DRE) -- propose that you might have prostate cancerous infection, your medical practitioner will do a prostate biopsy to find out if the infection is present.

If you are concerned that you may have certain thing incorrect with your prostate, you will likely proceed to your GP first.

Tests for prostate cancer:
* A fast direct to what's on this page
* Seeing your GP
* PSA body-fluid test
* Rectal examination
* Rectal ultrasound
* Needle biopsy
* Urine check (PCA3)

Types of surgery for prostate cancer

Good candidates for surgery to heal prostate cancerous infection have one or more of the following characteristics:

* No disperse of cancerous infection to bone
* Tumor confined to the prostate gland (stage T1 and T2)
* Under the age of 70
* Good health

Depending on the span of the infection, there are some surgical choices for prostate cancer.

Cryosurgery: This minimally invasive outpatient method, furthermore called cryoablation, decimates cancerous infection units by two times quickly very cold and thawing cancerous tissue.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU): High power concentrated ultrasound (HIFU) is actually undergoing clinical tests in the United States.

Radical Prostatectomy: Radical prostatectomy is the surgical exclusion of the prostate gland and surrounding tissues, encompassing the seminal vesicles and the pelvic lymph nodes. Surgeons use one of two surgical methods, retropubic prostatectomy or perineal prostatectomy. General anesthesia is utilised in both procedures.

Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: Laparoscopic fundamental prostatectomy is presented through some little incisions. A apparatus comprising of a tube and an optical scheme (laparoscope) is injected into one incision and is utilised to direct the procedure. Surgical devices are injected through the other incisions. This method is not accessible in all localities, and not all surgical patients are good candidates for the laparoscopic approach.

Robotic Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: In some situations, a computer-enhanced robotic surgical scheme is utilised to present laparoscopic fundamental prostatectomy. In this method, a robotic surgical scheme (e.g., da Vinci® surgical system) is utilised to present laparoscopic fundamental prostatectomy.

Lymphadenectomy: Prostate cancerous infection generally disperses first to the lymph nodes in the pelvis. The doctor assesses the prospect of disperse founded on the biopsy outcomes, PSA checks, and the dimensions of the tumor. Lymphadenectomy is the surgical exclusion of lymph nodes. There are two kinds of lymphadenectomy, open and laparoscopic. General anesthesia is utilised in both procedures.

Prognosis: When cancerous infection is confined to the prostate gland, the infection is generally curable. A number of patients with in the local area disperse cancerous infection pass away inside 5 years. Once cancerous infection has disperse to distant body components, life expectancy is generally less than 3 years.

Prevention: While prostate cancerous infection will not be stopped, assesses can be taken to avert progression of the disease. It is significant for men over 40 to have an annual prostate examination. When recognised and treated early, prostate cancerous infection has a high therapy rate.

What is prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the prostate.

Prostate cancer or cancerous infection is a malignant tumor that comprises of units from the prostate gland. The tumor generally augments gradually and continues confined to the gland for numerous years. During this time, the tumor makes little or no symptoms or outward indications. As the cancerous infection improvement, although, it can disperse after the prostate into the surrounding tissues. Moreover, the cancerous infection furthermore can metastasize all through other localities or areas of the body, for example the skeletal components, lungs, and liver. Symptoms and indications, thus, are more often associated with sophisticated prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer may cause difficulty in urinating, pain, problems throughout sexual intercourse, or erectile dysfunction. Other symptoms can possibly evolve throughout subsequent phases of the disease.


Prostate Cancer Symptoms

In the early phases, prostate cancerous infection often determinants no symptoms for many years. As an issue of reality, these cancers often are first noticed by an abnormality on a blood test or as a hard nodule in the prostate gland.

If the cancerous infection is apprehended at its earliest phases, most men will not experience any symptoms. Some men, although, will know-how symptoms that might show the occurrence of prostate cancerous infection, including:

  • Burning with Urination

  • A need to urinate frequently

  • Painful or burning urination

  • Difficulty in having an erection

  • Painful ejaculation

  • Back or pelvic pain

  • Blood in urine or semen

  • Weight Loss

Symptoms of sophisticated prostate cancerous infection include:

  • Dull, incessant deep agony or stiffness in the pelvis, smaller back, ribs or top thighs; arthritic agony in the skeletal components of those areas.
  • Loss of heaviness and appetite, fatigue, nausea, or vomiting.
  • Swelling of the smaller extremities.

Call Your Doctor If:

  • You have adversity urinating or find that urination is sore or else abnormal. Your medical practitioner will analyze your prostate gland to work out if it is enlarged, increased with an contamination, or may have cancer.
  • You have chronic agony in your smaller back, pelvis, top thighbones, or other bones. Ongoing agony without interpretation habitually deserves health attention. Pain in these localities can have diverse determinants but may be from the disperse of sophisticated prostate cancer.
  • You know-how unexplained heaviness loss.
  • You have enlarging in your legs.


Prostate Cancerous Infection Treatment

Where prostate cancerous infection has moved out of the prostate gland and come to into other components of the body it is mentioned to as sophisticated prostate cancerous infection and remedy is far tougher than when the infection is confined to the prostate gland.

As long as you’re cancerous infection has not dispersed too far and is not particularly hard-hitting it is still likely not easily to heal the status but in detail to therapy it. However, in numerous situations where the infection is prevalent, or is too hard-hitting, remedy is a case of only slowing down the advancement of the infection and supplying you with the best value of life possible.

Nowadays one of the major treatments for situations of sophisticated prostate cancerous infection is chemotherapy often utilizing a pharmaceutical renowned as docetaxal. This is a especially productive pharmaceutical for numerous patients and it does really slow the advancement of sophisticated prostate cancerous infection and continue the life of numerous patients. Nonetheless, it is not without several edge consequences that encompass things like nausea, decrease of appetite, hair decrease and an expanded risk of infection. Consequently it is here that we rendezvous one of the large-scale difficulties in sophisticated prostate cancerous infection treatment.

When you are healing a infection that will not be healed and that will murder you earlier or subsequent, then expanding your life by retaining back the advancement of the infection is fine as long as that remedy presents you a sensible value of life and does not depart you with the feeling that the remedy is poorer than the cancerous infection itself.

For a important number of prostate cancerous infection sufferers, who are usually in their 60s, 70s or even 80s, chemotherapy is far from pleasing but it is a cost worth giving when they first start their treatment. However, as the remedy progresses and the edge consequences start to construct up the image often alterations and numerous patients shortly start to inquire if or not it is all worth it. This of course is not ever a easy inquiry to response and has to be the subject of a consideration between yourself, your family and your physician.

Most of us will be well renowned with this position either as a outcome of our own know-how of sickness or through our know-how of glimpsing family constituents of close associates in this position and will understand only too well just how tough a time it can be.

There may although be a bit of lightweight at the end of this burrows because investigations engaging a assembly of patients with metastatic prostate cancerous infection propose that numerous patients may be adept to take a 'chemotherapy holiday' without any important detriment to their treatment. In other phrases, after some weeks of chemotherapy, and when the edge consequences are starting to drag you down, you may be adept to halt your chemotherapy for a time and give your body a possibility to retrieve a bit before bearing on with your treatment.

Naturally it is early days yet and no one is rather certain yet precisely how long your 'chemotherapy holidays' could be or how often you can take them, but for numerous sophisticated prostate cancerous infection sufferers this evidently secondary accelerate in remedy could well make all the distinction in the world.


Limehouse fighting cancer

By Schuyler Kropf
The Post and Courier
Thursday, December 24, 2009

State Transportation Secretary Buck Limehouse Jr. has prostate cancer but will stay in office while deciding on his treatment options.

Limehouse, 71, said Wednesday he remains physically fit and that the cancer does not appear to be in an overly aggressive stage.

The Charleston native also said that he offered to resign after informing Gov. Mark Sanford about his condition a few weeks ago, but that the governor wanted him to stay on. Their terms in office end at the same time, after a new governor takes over following the 2010 election.

Ben Fox, the governor's press spokesman, did not want to address details of their conversation but said Sanford offered his thoughts and prayers for Limehouse as his treatment moves forward.

Limehouse said he received the diagnosis a few weeks ago. His treatment options include radiation done locally, or possibly a more specialized plan of proton therapy at Shands HealthCare in Jacksonville, Fla. It is affiliated with the University of Florida Health Science Center.

If he picks that option, Florida Transportation Secretary Stephanie Kopelousos has offered to provide him with office space in Jacksonville, which should allow Limehouse to continue his South Carolina duties when he has to stay there for treatment, he said.

Limehouse said he is in the "due diligence" phase of exploring his options. "I have talked to probably 50 people," he said, seeking advice.

Limehouse said he has suffered no side effects or weakness or other symptoms, and that he still goes to the gym to work out daily. "It is my intention to finish my term," he said.

South Carolina has among the highest incidence of prostate cancer in the nation.

Reach Schuyler Kropf at 937-5551, or

Limehouse fighting cancer

A Prostate Cancer Therapy Increases Risk of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

Patrick Totty
Dec 24, 2009

Regardless of age, men undergoing prostate cancer treatment via androgen deprivation therapy have an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A study published in early December by Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston noted that although androgen deprivation therapy has been associated with a higher risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems in older men, this is the first time the connection has been noted among men of all ages.

Researchers at the hospital tracked 38,000 men of all ages who had been diagnosed by the Veterans Healthcare Administration as having local or regional prostate cancer. The four-year study, which ran from January 2001 through December 2004, sought evidence that androgen deprivation therapy, using gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, increases disease risk among the men. One of the advantages of the large sampling, the researchers noted, was that many of the patients studied were men under the age of 55 and over the age of 75-the age range within which prostate problems most commonly fall.

The researchers found a statistically significant increased risk for diabetes among men being treated with GnRH agonists: 159.4 events per 1,000 person years for men undergoing the therapy, versus 87.5 events per 1,000 person years for men taking no androgen deprivation therapy.

When publishing their findings in the December 7 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,* the researchers said that additional study is required to more accurately identify the groups that run the highest risk from androgen deprivation therapy and to find ways to mitigate or overcome its negative effects while providing an effective tool against prostate cancer.


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