Prostate Cancer

The Presence of Cancerous Cells in the Prostate

Beer contains a compound that may fight cancer

Beer-drinking men may be decreasing their possibilities of evolving prostate cancerous infection with every pint, checks by researchers have revealed.

TESTS have disclosed that men who drink beer may decrease their possibilities of evolving prostate cancerous infection, state scientists.

Experiments have shown that xanthohumol, a compund drawn from from the jumps in beer, blocks a chemical answer that can lead to the development of cancer.

The infection is generally treated with pharmaceuticals that proceed in a alike way.

Study foremost Dr Clarissa Gerhausa, from the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, said: "We wish that one day we can illustrate that xanthohumol stops prostate cancerous infection development, first in animal forms and then in humans, but we are just at the beginning."

Xanthohumol is a mighty antioxidant, renowned to have anti-cancer properties. It is furthermore discovered in fruits and spices.

It was before proposed that the aggregate could decrease the possibilities of females getting breast cancer.


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