Prostate Cancer

The Presence of Cancerous Cells in the Prostate

Prostate cancer diagnosis linked to increased chance of heart attack

Being diagnosed with prostate cancer may raise men's risk of having a heart attack or stroke, especially in the first week after diagnosis. Researchers found an increased risk of about 30 percent during the year after prostate cancer diagnosis. The risk of suicide during this time also increased, although this was much less common than heart problems.

What do we know already?
The numbers of men being diagnosed with prostate cancer are increasing, especially now that a blood test (called prostate-specific antigen, or PSA) that can help detect potential prostate cancer is more widely used. This may mean that more men are diagnosed early, and some may have a better chance of being treated and surviving their cancer.

However, we're not sure that all men with prostate cancer benefit from treatment. The research isn't clear. Part of the trouble is that many prostate cancers grow very slowly, and might never have caused any trouble if they'd not been picked up. Others grow much more quickly. It's hard to tell which cancers are likely to need treatment, and which are best left alone.

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